Healthy Habits: The Key to Thriving

By: Parwaneh Saeedi

As a young child, I would ride my bicycle, play sports, and lived a normal, healthy life. When I graduated high school and went to university, the influx of responsibilities left me without the ability to manage my time outside of studying. There was no time for exercising, sports, or other hobbies that used to bring me joy. As my mental and physical health got worse, it was clear I needed to start building a routine with healthy habits and making time for things that were important to me.

Making time for a social life

As a new immigrant to Canada, it was important for me to find time to meet new people and build a life in Ontario. Prioritizing my social life and ensuring I had the time to build relationships with people helped with feelings of homesickness. I found time for volunteering, meeting people in the Afghan community in Toronto, and participating in workshops and activities in the community where I could meet other newcomers and learn from their experiences in Canada. All this contributed to my positive mental health and building English language skills. Having these connections also helped me to get a job that I really like!

Scheduling out my week

When I started organizing my week and trying to build in time for healthy habits, I kept my routine and calendar on my phone. I marked time for cooking, reading, working out, and photography, and I referred to this schedule for several weeks until it became second nature for me. As I kept up with this practice, I kept on track with the tasks that I normally forgot to do, and I enjoyed my life more because I was doing the things that I loved as well.

Making time to exercise

As I struggled to manage my time, physical exercise was the first habit I dropped. I noticed I felt sluggish in the morning, it was hard to concentrate, and I didn’t have the energy to get through the day. Without a trainer to help me and limited knowledge of how to use gym equipment, I started to build in time in my schedule to run in the community and work out at home. As I continued to work out and try new things in the gym, my confidence increased, which helped me in all areas of my life including my job as well. I was more open to talking to my colleagues and trying new things at work. I felt more comfortable in my body, and it was also so exciting to learn how to use the workout machines!

When I think back to my childhood, I am happy I am living the life I dreamed of as a child. Creating a schedule and building healthy habits have allowed me to create a comfortable and happy life in Canada. Making time for the things that are important to me allows me to continue to achieve my goals.

Take aways:

  1. Prioritizing your health will improve all areas of your life
  2. There are some things you can change in your life – focus on those things when starting to build your healthy habits
  3. When making your schedule, make time for community – socializing and meeting people can help with feelings of loneliness.
  4. Creating the life you want is possible if you take the time to build it


Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Life Advice, Mental Health, Motivation, Networking, Personal Story, Productivity / Published On: February 8th, 2024 /