Partner with Project Integrate to get access to digital career tools and resources to support your job seekers.

Career pathways have become less predictable and today’s youth face significant challenges making sense of the ever-changing world of work. A recent McKinsey report forecasted that by the year 2030, from 75 to 275 million workers will need to change careers. For those just entering the workforce, understanding and navigating the labour market in more personalized, responsive and targeted ways will be essential. Artificial intelligence and big data are bringing disruption to the workforce, but they have also brought promising advancements in workforce innovation and HR technology. Sophisticated job matching, assessment and market analytics tools are increasingly accessible, but their adoption across the employment and training ecosystem remains inconsistent.

In 2019, OTEC, and a coalition of partners that includes First Work, MaRS Data Catalyst Centre and the Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity, began working with The Future Skills Centre – Centre des Compétences futures (FSC-CCF) to test an innovative, evidence-based, approach to skills development for the new economy. The initiative, known as Project Integrate, is testing the potential impact and feasibility of a single technology-enabled employment and training pathway for youth. Working with employment service provider networks across Canada, the project is conducting systems research and field testing with a range of promising employment-related technologies in each of the following three phases in the employment pathway: Engagement, Systems Navigation and Career Laddering. Job seeker, organizational and systems-level factors are being evaluated to determine the potential impact and implications of a single, user managed, employment pathway.

Project Integrate Goals:

You can harness our technology to stay ahead of labour market changes and improve outcomes for your clients. And you can benefit from our industry findings and help shape the future of job seeking in Canada.

ALiGN Assessment and Job-matching Platform
  • psychometric-based talent-to-role fit assessment and job-matching
  • available in 16 languages with 43 benchmarked occupation
  • in partnership with Lumina and integrated with Magnet; a Canadian job matching platform
  • career information tool that helps your clients explore how technology might impact their
    careers in the future
  • uses census data and industry research to create data informed career paths
  • Learn more about Planext

Project Partners:



First Work