Career Moves I Wish I’d Made in My 20’s

On my birthday a few months ago, I decided to take a bit of time to reflect on different areas of my life, and since my career currently plays a big role in my life, I had a lot of thoughts about it! It was interesting to look back on what I think I did “right” and what I did “wrong”.
In my 20’s, I worked in different places and had a few different job titles. For example, I worked on campus during school, had roles in customer service, and have developed my leadership skills over the last few years working at the same organization! However, one big realization I had was that there are a few things I wish I had done differently regarding my career development, and these are some key takeaways I am taking into the next decade!

1. Finding a Mentor

Firstly, I regret not taking the time in my 20’s to find a mentor. I believe a mentor could’ve provided me
with a lot of insight and advice, which would’ve been beneficial with action planning for my career. This would have been particularly useful when considering further education and which programs to apply for. A mentor also could have given constructive criticism when I needed it, which would have helped with my personal growth. Over the last few years, I saw the importance of mentorship, yet I still didn’t try to find one. Honestly, I didn’t even know how to find a mentor, but it’s probably because I made no effort into figuring it out. I can imagine myself wanting to be someone’s mentor one day, and having previous mentorship experience would have been an asset! 

2. Socializing Intentionally 

When I say socialize, I don’t mean networking. What I’m actually referring to is simply interacting with people and taking the time to do social activities with others!
That feeling of unity can help you feel motivated. For instance, you may need someone to listen to you, and hearing words of encouragement from them can go a long way to feeling supported. Socializing with others brings me a sense of confidence, but overall, I feel it would’ve made networking feel more seamless, easy, and even enjoyable. This is something I have started implementing into my life recently and it has made a huge difference in feeling connected to other people. 

3. Applying for More Jobs 

The last thing I wish I had done more of is apply for jobs! There are so many jobs I talked myself out of applying for because I didn’t meet all the qualifications or skills listed in the job description. I often doubted myself and that stopped me from trying, but the worst thing that could’ve happened was not hearing back. Looking back, that wouldn’t have been so bad. I have continuously talked myself out of trying but it’s a mindset shift that I am actively working to improve.  
Although there are things I would change, I’m also proud of some key choices I made in my 20s! One thing I started doing a few years ago was tracking every job I have applied for by saving the job posting and the resume I used. This method helps me stay organized and record what other positions I have applied for at the same organization. I’m also glad that I took the time to explore internal job positions at my current workplace as it’s a great way to look for career advancement. Lastly, I am happy I volunteered because it allowed me to build up my resume and learn new skills.  
Taking the time to reflect helped me set some new goals for myself in the coming years! I hope this encourages you to do some self-reflection for yourself.
Are there things you wish you’d done differently in your career?  

Categories: Career Advice, Employment, Mentorship, Networking, Personal Story / Published On: October 16th, 2024 /