Youth Council Recruitment

Are you passionate about ensuring young people’s voices are heard?
Are you an ambassador for the organizations and causes you believe in?
Do you engage with youth on social media?
Decision-making about youth is often made without youth. Youth offer a crucial voice in shaping conversations about employment, the labour market, and the school-to-work pipeline in Ontario. To ensure that youth voices are at the forefront, First Work has an annual youth council.
First Work is now accepting applications to our Youth Council! We are looking for interested youth (ages 15-29) to participate on our council to ensure the youth voice is heard and incorporated into all of our work.
First Work’s Youth Council is an advisory body on youth employment issues and opportunities affecting young people across the province, providing critical insight on policy, program design and evaluation.
Consider some testimonials from our last cohort:
“I learned to be bold, outspoken and honest. I was able to come out of my shell and know that I am worthy of being in this kind of space. This youth council reinforced how much I like working in a group and with others.”
“I got the opportunity to facilitate a panel discussion during an event and that allowed me to learn what to do and not to do next time.”
“[This was] an extremely positive experience due to supportive supervisors and youth council colleagues, as well as highly relevant [and] engaging.”
“The experience was both what I was and wasn’t expecting. It forced me to challenge myself, and what I am comfortable with in terms of research development and writing. It sharpened my prose and writing skills, which I didn’t expect, and so I couldn’t ask for more.”
Participating youth will play an integral role to First Work by actively participating and contributing to the projects, initiatives and special events coordinated by the organization. This Youth Council cohort will help to direct First work’s vision for the future by:
- Contributing to Thought Leadership (blogs, infographics, interviews, IG posts, etc.) sharing youth-driven perspectives and experiences in their career journeys.
- Act in advisory capacity for First Work on proposals, programs, and services where appropriate
- Supporting Aspire initiatives with brainstorming ideas, event planning, social media supports (Canva image creation etc.), promotion and engagement
- Participate / speak at First Work or Aspire events and initiatives
Join a community, share insights, and make a difference in Youth Employment – apply for First Work’s 2023 youth council!